Well, we are almost a month into 2021. For those of you who made New Year’s Resolutions……How are You Doing?
Personally, I set a number of goals every year. Some of them focus on health & fitness, some involve my family, some are business driven and there is always at least one Financial Goal.
Did you know that……
- 65% of people are making a financial resolution in 2021?
The Top 5 Financial Resolutions are:
- Save more Money
- Spend less Money
- Pay Down Credit Card Debt
- Make or Stick to a Budget
- Create or Build an Emergency Fund
More that 4 in 10 millionaires have debt, including mortgages and credit cards!
Investors rely on their Advisors to help them stick to their Resolutions.
Did you also know that…..
- 77% of people with a financial advisor who had resolutions were able to stick to them?
- 87% believe their financial advisor would be able to help them keep their 2021 resolutions if they shared it with them?
The Bottom Line is: if you have a financial resolution for 2021, we want to hear from you because we want to help. Give us a call or send an email or text. We will follow-up with you on a regular basis to see how you are progressing.
And don’t forget-–2020 RRSP Deadline is Monday March 1, 2021